$5.1M Broadband Grant Puts Last Miles in Sight for Elevate Internet

Grant will close the broadband gap in Montrose & Delta counties
January 22, 2024 — Elevate Internet’s bid for $5,140,782 from the Colorado Capital Projects Fund (CPF) has cleared its final hurdle. On January 3, the fiber broadband subsidiary of Delta-Montrose Electric Association was awarded the grant to continue building out its fiber network in Montrose and Delta counties.
“It’s official. This is our last eligible grant application and award. Not only does it help us bring affordable high-speed internet to another 395 homes and businesses, but it also marks the culmination of a community vision to bring fiber internet to Western Colorado,” said Jack Johnston, DMEA/Elevate Internet Chief Executive Officer.
The CPF grant accounts for almost 75% of the construction costs to build an additional 125 miles of Elevate’s fiber network in scattered pockets throughout Montrose and Delta counties, including the long-awaited neighborhoods east of the City of Montrose and north of the City of Delta. Less than 1,700 locations in DMEA’s service territory will remain unserved when construction is complete.
“While we are no longer eligible for current public grant funding, there are still member homes we need to reach. From a public policy perspective, these areas are considered served, but that’s not good enough for us. We are committed to reaching every member by 2027, and the last few areas will ultimately be funded through future capital budgets,” confirmed Johnston.
The massive undertaking to bring high-speed, affordable, and reliable internet to Montrose and Delta counties began in 2016 when DMEA created its wholly-owned fiber internet subsidiary, Elevate Internet. Since then, DMEA has secured nearly $61M in state and federal grant funds, all dedicated to bringing fiber internet to local communities. Over the last seven years, Elevate has constructed 1,580 miles of fiber to more than 27,000 homes and businesses.
“Grant funding has been a key element to Elevate’s success. It has allowed us to more rapidly expand our fiber footprint and bring world-class internet into our valley. We accept these funds with nothing short of extreme gratitude,” said Johnston.
Consumers can check availability in their neighborhood at elevateinternet.com and subscribe to internet speeds from 400 Mbps for $54.95/month up to 6 Gig (6,000 Mbps) for $189.95/month. Elevate Internet also offers home phone and television, plus robust business internet and phone solutions. More information is available at elevateinternet.com or by calling 844-386-8744.