DMEA One Step Closer to Internal Network Restoration

December 10, 2021

Payment and billing process resume Friday, December 10

December 10, 2021 - Montrose & Delta, CO — Today, Delta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA) began accepting member payments and reissuing energy bills. After a malicious network attack on November 7, co-op members have been unable to pay their bills, as well as receive bills.

"We are so grateful for the support and patience our members have shown us over the past month," said DMEA CEO Alyssa Clemsen Roberts. "The path to full service restoration has been longer than we originally hoped, but as of today, DMEA can begin processing member payments."

DMEA encourages its members to make payments using the online account management tool SmartHub. Once logged in, members can make payments 24/7, update payment information, and monitor their energy use. Alternative payment options include dropping off payments at DMEA drop boxes located throughout its service territory and in-person payments. DMEA's Montrose lobby is open to walk-in traffic, but occupancy is limited to two members at a time. 

Over the next few weeks, DMEA members can expect to receive their energy bills. DMEA will first send members the bills it could not issue in November. Those bills will have a compressed payment schedule and will be followed shortly by current statements for December. 

"The majority of our members will receive back-to-back energy bills over the next few weeks. We know this incident comes at an unfortunate time. I want to remind members that DMEA will not charge late fees or disconnect any services for non-payment through January 31 of next year," said Clemsen.

DMEA will also offer temporary 3-month payment arrangements for members who need additional time to pay their bills. Many local organizations also provide bill payment assistance. A list of assistance organizations is available on DMEA's website at

Members can stay updated on DMEA's progress toward complete service restoration at by visiting the Network Restorations Updates page. The page is routinely updated with information as it is available, such as detailed billing schedules, automatic payment information, and payment assistance options.

For more information, visit