Tree Trimming Wrapping Up, Last Planned Outage 4/21

April 16, 2021

Final phase of Tree Trimming and System Maintenance for English Gardens Neighborhood

Community members in a small corner of English Gardens can breathe a sigh of relief as Delta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA) wraps up its final day of work on Wednesday, April 21, 2021. Work will take place near Chatam Drive and South Mesa Avenue. As with previous weeks, power must be turned off for the safety of DMEA tree crews and linemen, beginning at 8:00 a.m. and lasting until approximately 5:00 p.m.

“We recognize this work, while necessary to providing reliable and safe electricity to members, is inconvenient for our members. I can’t express enough gratitude to our members for their understanding and support as our crews moved through the neighborhood. We’re now in the home stretch,” said DMEA Vegetation Management Supervisor, Travis Swaim.

Over the past month, DMEA has been working to remove overgrown trees and conduct maintenance on its power lines serving members in the northwest corner of English Gardens, near Centennial Middle School. With the sizable scope of work, there is also significant debris on and around members’ properties. DMEA will be clearing and removing all debris, but it may require multiple trips to complete all clean-up tasks.

For more information about DMEA’s tree trimming and vegetation management practices visit