Electric Vehicles to Take the Spotlight at DMEA Member Appreciation

Participants wanted for Spark ‘n Park - EV Car Show!
Delta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA) announces its all-new event, Spark ‘n Park EV Car Show and Member Appreciation. The local co-op invites the community to attend one of the upcoming free events:
Delta County
Friday, October 20, 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Delta County Fairgrounds, Hotchkiss
Montrose County
Saturday, October 21, 9:00 a.m. – noon
EV Fast Charging Station, North 1st and Uncompahgre
Downtown Montrose
DMEA is currently seeking local EV owners who are interested in participating in the car show. Participants can opt to join one or both events and will have the opportunity to showcase their vehicle and share their experience owning an EV with other participants and attendees. EV owners can register to participate online at https://forms.gle/eDoUrQa1WCPPkLLTA.
In addition to the EV car show, the events will include local food trucks and treats, informational booths, and electric tool giveaways. Attendees will event have the chance to win the grand prize of a Milwaukee Cordless Electric Lawn Mower valued at $1,199. DMEA Board members and staff will also be on hand to speak with members and answer questions.