DMEA Director Called to Serve Colorado

May 14, 2020

Kyle Martinez Serving on Two Governor-appointed Councils

May 15, 2020 — Olathe-native Kyle Martinez may be best known around these parts as a jack-of-all-trades. He’s a farmer and rancher, businessmen, and entrepreneur. And now, he’s making an even more impressive mark well beyond our local communities, serving on two State of Colorado councils created to help the state recover from the repercussions of COVID-19.
“Kyle’s appointment to not one, but two, statewide committees is a testament to the quality of board members our members elect to serve them. We know without a doubt, he will keep our members’, and all rural citizens’ for that matter, best interests at heart as he aids the state in COVID-19 recovery efforts,” said Jasen Bronec, Chief Executive Officer for Delta-Montrose Electric Association.
Kyle, along with his wife Kat, operates a farm growing hay and raising horses and cows. He works full-time at his family’s home health agency, Touch of Care, where he manages several in-home support programs and serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the hospice division. Kyle and Kat also own Black Canyon Tickets, so chances are you’ve also seen him working the door at your favorite local event. Since 2015, Kyle has served the citizens of Montrose and Delta counties as a board of director for DMEA, helping the co-op navigate the launch of a fiber internet company and transition to a new power supplier. And last, but certainly not least, he’s also a sleep-deprived dad to young daughter Elizabeth.
To many, that might seem like an overfull plate, but according to Kyle, it’s a blessing.  “I’ve been blessed with a lot in this life—a healthy and happy family and the opportunity to live and work in a place I love. And now, I’m in a position where I can give back to my community,” says Kyle.
So, when Federico Pena, Chairman of the Governor’s Council on Economic Stabilization and Growth, rang up Kyle asking him to join the council’s energy committee, the answer was obvious: yes. The purpose of this council is to bring together the best and brightest minds from across the state and various industries to create strategies that will put people back to work and revitalize Colorado’s economy. Kyle has been a voice for Western Colorado on this committee, helping craft both federal and state recommendations.
“I have worked hard to help members through these tough times and have been successful in some of my recommendations. The Governor accepted and implemented all of [the committee’s] ideas submitted on our first report,” said Kyle.
His work didn’t go unnoticed. Sighting his diverse experience with home health care, hospice, and electric cooperatives—in addition to the Energy Committee—Chairman Pena then recommended Kyle also be appointed to the Governor’s New Normal Advisory Board. The mission of this 14-member board is to advise the Governor and state health department on how to implement successful social distancing measures, put in place due to COVID-19, at a local level.
“I hope my work and contributions to these committees help my fellow community members while aiding the state in moving through these troubling times,” said Kyle.
“DMEA is sincerely thankful for the hard work and dedication Kyle has shown to both our members and all Colorado citizens. We have no doubt his role on these committees will help ensure our members have a voice that gets heard,” said Bronec.